Saturday, February 10, 2007

Memoirs of Christ Nagar III

Hi to my batch,
Nice contacting all of you. I am planning for a short visit to
Trivandrum, to reach on the 4th and go back by the 6th July.Hope to
meet some of you that time.
Good to see good old memories of Christ Nagar pouring out.
Continuing with my stuff in Class 5D,

Hindi : Natarajan sir was taking class first. I hope all of you
remember him, repeating words to remind all of us. Aana= varika, jana
= pokuka, khana = thinnuka, lana = konduvarika, and the alphabets,
were all the basics that he had given me and all of us, which I can
cherish in this land (North India), where I have to converse in Hindi.
Sukumaran sir joined later after the strike, and I always had a
liking for him. A poor sir, who was mocked by the students, just
because of his over sincerity.
Remember the Hindi padamala with 22 chapters, ending in the
song 'chanda ooncha rahe hamara'. Remember the supplementary text
book 'katha manjari' with stories in it like ekta mem bal he, kaue ki
hoshiari, patbrisht memna etc.

Mathematics : Remember KP Suresh Kumar sir teaching the basics of
Mathematics in his exemplerory style.

Moral Science : Remember the 5th class every Friday KP Suresh Kumar
Sir taking Moral Science classes. We use to learn mainly the 'Test
your Memory' Questions for each exam.

Basic Science : Aravindakshan sir
To continue in the coming sessions.Expecting additions from all of

Yours sincerely,
Sundar Singh

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