Saturday, February 10, 2007

Memoirs of Christ Nagar XXXVII

Hi to my dear batch,

WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY CHRISTMAS. Happy marriage wishes to Boby George.

Continuing with the sessions of Std XE,

Geography : It was taught by Moses sir. He taught us the instruments used in Geography, the various parts of the lithosphere (crust, mantle,core and others), the parts of the atmosphere, the important wealth of India & Kerala, countries (Israel, Germany, Iceland).Remember tomorrow is Winter Solstice (longest night & shortest day in Northern hemisphere). Remember us drawing India 's map (5 mark question) and marking Delhi , Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, Vishakpatnam, Kandla etc.

Political Science (Moses sir): We were taught the basics of politics, the constitution of various other nations like China, USA , USSR , France etc. Economics (Moses sir) : We were taught the basics of economics here.

Next week - events in Std X.E in chronological order,

Yours sincerely,
Sundar Singh

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