Saturday, February 10, 2007

Memoirs of Christ Nagar XLIV

Hi to my dear batch,

Nice to contact all of you once again. CONGRATULATIONS to RENJU PHILIP on your marriage. Belated wishes to you. May the Lord give you a long and happy married life.

Continuing with the sessions on Christ Nagar memoirs, I am starting off with our favourite events. I am starting with the Science Fair.

Science Fair : It was a unique entity of our school. We used to have it in three days. The previous day used to be a holiday to prepare the things ready. The stalls used to be named as Working Models, Still Models, Charts, Collections (stamp, coins, feathers etc) Experiments & Improvisations, Music, English, Malayalam, Hindi, Tamil, Mathematics etc.

Day 1 (Friday) – It used to be the neighbouring school students from morning till evening. The evening used to be a health talk by some renowned person.

Day 2 (Saturday) – Again, it used to be the neighbouring school students from morning till evening. The evening used to be a health talk by some renowned person.

Day 3 (Sunday) – This day, the students, parents of our school are allowed to see the stalls, and obviously, there won't be many to explain to them. The evening talk will be usually succeeded by prize distribution and other entertainments.

To continue in the coming sessions,

Yours sincerely,
Dr.Sundar Singh

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